Monday, August 3, 2009

And so it begins...

Let the journey begin.

This blog is all about creatively using capitalism for good, not greed.

We absolutely believe in the power of capitalism, innovation, ingenuity, creativity, and good. So why can't companies do it all? In our opinion, it's cause they don't want to. It's really not 'that' hard to do some good in this world.

Are we experts? Not yet. So let's figure this out together, shall we?


  1. This is such a great idea! You know me though, I have to correct grammar. :-) It should read, "it's because" not "it's cause" (sloppy, informal writing). If you're going to use "cause" for "because," it should be written as 'cause. Yes, I am annoying. :-P

  2. Thanks Renee! At least I know someone reads the blog! ;-)
